IoT Connectivity
LEADM2M’s truly global IoT connectivity solutions keep your
IoT business always connected and in touch with both
your deployed devices and end-users.
Some preeminent advantages your business will have from our IoT connectivity infrastructure:
Cellular Connectivity
Use the most reliable, advanced, and revolutionary technology to connect to your deployed IoT devices: The Cellular Technology.
Fixed Private IP with
Two-Layer VPN Anonymity
LEADM2M strengthens the safety and security of your global connectivity by applying the most advanced two-layer VPN anonymity by default.
Real-Time Data
Monitoring & Control
With our Parlacom™ IoT manager, take control and monitor the data generated by your deployed devices in real-time for greater efficacy of your IoT services.des
A Wide Mobile
Network Coverage Globally
LEADM2M IoT connectivity solutions upports over 650+ cellular networks from across 180+ countries around the world.